Project Description
Viroqua Public Library
Project Cost: $2.7 mil
Date Completed: 2015
Location: Viroqua, WI
The city of Viroqua sought to expand its existing public library services while extending its access to additional community programs. As a result, and with generous community funding, a new 13,750 sf public library was erected by Tricon at a new location. The Library physically connects to Western Technical College (WTC) with an infill lobby space, forming a center for learning in the community. In addition to traditional collection areas for adults and children, specialized areas including teen focused spaces, children’s program room, board meeting room, and expanded adult computer areas were developed. With the goal of the library to be as environmentally responsible as possible, green strategies were employed where the budget would allow. Exterior insulation, daylight sensors, high-performing mechanical systems and recycled materials are engaged throughout the facility. Tricon was the Construction Manager at Risk on this project.
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